From too much shopping to a more-from-less mindset

Shawna Dirksen
3 min readJan 4, 2021

When I first started exploring a life with less stuff it was simply because, well, I was sick of having so much stuff. (No surprise there.)

I mean, my closet was complete chaos. It was so over-stuffed it was next to impossible to find what I needed.

I had cupboards filled with dishware and appliances for every occasion. If I wanted to have a wine-tasting, fondue-making, martini-shaking, cake-decorating party, I could accommodate at least a dozen people.

And don’t get me started on my office.

If you managed to clear away all the super important documents, unopened mail, rolls of wrapping paper and cards, you’d think you were in a pop-up Staples store.

I was working at the University of Alberta and saw an ad for a show about minimalism at the Myer Horowitz Theatre. I didn’t know a thing about minimalists back then, but I had already started doing some decluttering at home and was intrigued.

The Minimalists, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, are two regular guys who have embraced a minimalist lifestyle, and they were touring around Canada and the US sharing their story on stage. These guys had legions of loyal fans, a book, a podcast and even a Netflix documentary.

I bought the tickets.

Going into the show, I had no idea what to expect and, I admit, I had some misconceptions about what minimalism was.

Through their story, The Minimalists set me straight.

To be a minimalist, you don’t have to live in a tiny house with only the bare minimum. You can buy nice things. You can keep the things in your home that have sentimental value. Your belongings don’t have to be under a certain number. You can embrace this lifestyle even if your spouse (or family) is just not that into it.

These points made me feel like minimalism was something I could really lean into; however, they weren’t my biggest take away from The Minimalists that night.

I had gone into that theatre looking for a solution to help me deal with the epic build up of stuff I had on my hands, but I came out with so much more than that. I learned that minimalism is a mindset.

Minimalism is about focusing on the things, people and experiences that truly add value to your life, and about letting go of the rest.

Over the next several weeks, I put my new way of thinking into practice―selling, donating and throwing things out. I got rid of a lot of stuff and it felt great!

But, as I’m still learning today, decluttering was only the beginning. If I wanted to keep my new lifestyle, I would have to break old habits, make tough decisions and learn to say ‘no’ unapologetically. I would have to find clarity around what I actually value and want out of life. The adventure continues!

The clutter is real.

Check out Practically Minimal for the conversations, tools, accountability and straight up inspo you need to clear out your clutter and make room for more of what makes you happy.

And, don’t forget to grab your FREE guidebook, Seven Steps to Livin’ Minimal-ish!



Shawna Dirksen

Founder of @practicallyminimal. I help women simplify their lives to live more intentionally.